EALC Police, Fire and Crime e-Bulletin- Week Commencing 22nd July 2024

EALC Police, Fire and Crime e-Bulletin- Week Commencing 22nd July 2024

Essex Association of Local Councils



Police, Fire and Crime E-Bulletin
Wednesday 24th July 2024




Dear Chair, Councillors, Clerks and Partners,

Please find below the latest updates from PFCC, Essex Police and Essex County Fire & Rescue Service for the week commencing 22nd July 2024.



Latest Updates


Spotlight on criminal justice and reducing reoffending in Essex
Roger Hirst, Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for Essex, hosted a conference bringing together partner organisations from the area of criminal justice and reducing reoffending in the county.Topics focused on the current challenges being faced in the criminal justice system and how these might shape the strategic aims for the next four years, as the current Essex Criminal Justice strategy and Reducing Reoffending Strategy runs from 2020 to 2024.

Opening the conference on Tuesday 9th July,  PFCC Roger Hirst said: “We should all be able to live in communities that are safe and secure and should be free to go about our lives without fear or disruption of crime.”




ECFRS- Farmers urged to prioritise fire safety

Essex County Fire and Rescue Service (ECFRS) is calling on farmers to prioritise fire safety, in order to protect their businesses and the livelihoods of future generations.

Oliver Everott, ECFRS’s Rural Engagement Officer, has spoken out on issues that Essex farmers need to implement to prevent devastating fires which could destroy their business and endanger lives. A serious fire on a farm can affect the financial stability of even the most well managed business.

“Fire safety on farms should not be a mere tick-box exercise. It should be fully valued, understood and integrated into the daily routines of all farm worker,” said Ollie. “In the past year, we have seen some devastating emergencies at Essex farms, most of these were entirely preventable.”

Essex farmers are strongly encouraged to take proactive steps with fire safety by booking a visit from Ollie, completely free of charge. To book a visit contact Ollie, by phone 07500105715 or email oliver.everott@essex-fire.gov.uk.




‘Crime is falling- but we need the right funding to keep it going down’

The latest figures show there were more than 10,200 fewer crimes reported in Essex in the year to the end of June than the previous 12 months, a continuation of a trend which has seen crime fall in the county of the last few years.

Chief Constable Ben-Julian Harrington of Essex Police has said:

“We’ve had consistent funding in recent years thanks to the people of Essex, and the Police, Fire, and Crime Commissioner, meaning we’ve been able to grow the force and consistently bring crime down. There were more than 10,000 fewer crimes reported in the last year with fewer violent, sexual and domestic offences, and fewer repeat victims of domestic abuse. We’re starting to turn the tide of vehicle crime, we’re solving more vehicle theft cases, and we’re recovering hundreds of vehicles worth millions of pounds. Knife crime is falling and we’re seeing fewer people robbed. Although there is no complacency. Every person hurt or life lost is a tragedy. Our specialist team which investigates online child abuse is the most effective in the country and our DA teams are breaking the cycle of domestic abuse and changing people’s behaviour.

To have a prosperous society, you need to have a safe society and I’m committed to keeping that work going – but we can only do so if we have the resources.”



Upcoming Events


Violence & Vulnerability Unit Listening Report
On 8th July, Essex County for Voluntary Youth Services will be launching their latest Listening Report on Young People’s Views Around Knife Crime and Feelings of Safety. This is the fifth year of listening to young people around youth violence and feelings of safety in the community.They are holding a series of area-based webinars where you can hear the findings of the work with young people across Essex.

The dates and Teams links are listed below:


District Engagement


Dispatch- Essex Police Weekly Updates
Live since 2022, the e-newsletter, Dispatch, is a ‘one-stop-shop’ for local police news – direct from the source. Essex Police officers, staff and volunteers work hard across our communities daily. But not everyone hears about it or what is being done to help their local community. Sent out weekly, direct to the subscriber’s inbox, each edition is full of local news, crime prevention advice and details about where you can meet your local policing team to speak to officers about any concerns. If you are looking for something more focused on where you are based – Essex Police offer 14 district editions of Dispatch too. It’s completely free and anyone can unsubscribe at any time with the click of a button. Essex Police are looking to increase subscribers to help increase public confidence in the Force.It’s really easy to subscribe. Just click below and choose a newsletter to sign up to – its free!





Have your say on what the Policing and Crime priorities and Fire and Rescue priorities should be for the next four years
Following his re-election in May, Roger Hirst, Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for Essex, is now consulting on priorities to be included in his Police and Crime Plan 2024 and his Fire and Rescue Plan 2024.  The Fire and Rescue Plan sets the strategic direction and priorities for Essex County Fire and Rescue Service for the next four years.The Police and Crime Plan sets the priorities for policing and crime in the county and informs Essex Police priorities. Now, all people who live and work in Essex are being asked for their views on priorities for both plans by completing a short four-minute survey. The survey will run from today, Wednesday 17th July, until Sunday 1st September 2024, and can be accessed by clicking below.

Roger Hirst, PFCC for Essex, said: “I was honoured to be re-elected as Commissioner for another four years and hard work started immediately on building a new four year strategy for the future of policing and fire and rescue in Essex.”

If you would like a hard copy of the survey please contact pfcc@essex.police.uk.



Rural Engagement Team


RET Newsletter June 2024
The Rural Engagement Team (RET) at Essex Police has released their June newsletter. The newsletter highlights the team’s busy schedule, which included attending community events such as the Essex Schools Food and Farming day and summer fairs. The team also provided education and outreach services to children, teaching them about topics like food, farming, and rural issues. Additionally, RET responded to various incidents, including reports of stolen property, unauthorised encampments, and a rifle being used in a nature reserve. Furthermore, the team provided support to local events and operations, including the D-Day 80 parade.